Soo Hoo newest ASA for 14th Judicial Circuit

Jonathan Soo Hoo crossed the continent to find what he was looking for as the Office of State Attorney, 14th Judicial Circuit’s newest prosecutor.

State Attorney Larry Basford announced Soo Hoo’s addition to the Bay County office this week, where he will be handling misdemeanor cases.

Soo Hoo, who grew up in California, said the conservative nature and serenity of Georgia and Florida grabbed his attention. The beaches of Florida and the atmosphere of our area sealed the deal.

“I was very familiar with the nature and feel of the more rural areas and smaller cities working in Georgia and Florida as a consultant,” Soo Hoo said. “When you take the small-town feel and combine it with the beach, it’s like a match made in heaven. The values here are my values that are often lost in bigger cities.”

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Soo Hoo earned his law degree at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason, in Fairfax,Va. He went on to volunteer for the Georgia Republican Party as a legal consultant researching the 2020 presidential election.

His decision to become a prosecutor in this area was driven by his desire to both give back to his country and focus on the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, and the Florida Constitution.

“Now more than ever we need prosecutors who are focused on keeping people safe, and following the Constitution,” he said. “This is the most conservative part of the state, and I like that the people here share my values, standards, and beliefs. This is where I want to be long-term.”For more information, contact Mike Cazalas , or call 850–381–7454.