Jmond White Sentenced to 35 Years

Press Release:

      The Office of State Attorney Glenn Hess announced that on Thursday, September 6, 2018, Circuit Judge Michael C. Overstreet sentenced Jmond White to serve 35 years in the Florida Department of Corrections followed by life on probation after the Defendant entered an open plea to the court on the charges of Burglary of a Dwelling with Assault or Battery, Attempted Second Degree Murder and False Imprisonment. 

      On July 2, 2016, the Defendant stabbed the victim 5 times in an attempt to kill her.  The Defendant and victim had been in a romantic relationship.  When the Defendant realized the victim was involved with someone else, he hired a cab and came to the victim’s home in Mexico Beach unannounced.  The victim was home alone when the Defendant burst into her home uninvited where he then began to beat and threaten the victim in her bedroom.  The victim’s boyfriend arrived back at the home and the Defendant threatened him at the entry to the home, then closed the door locking the male outside.  The Defendant then turned on the victim and began stabbing her repeatedly about the head and neck.  The Defendant stopped stabbing her to get a bigger knife from the kitchen.  This is when the victim is able to stumble out the front door and the Defendant then fled the scene.  After the stabbing, the Defendant sent text messages to the victim’s teenage son telling him he killed the victim.  The Defendant was apprehended a short time later on Tyndall Air Force Base.  The victim suffered stab wounds to her neck, arm, side and face.     

Please contact Chief Assistant Attorney Larry Basford at 850-819-6985 with any questions.